I am extremely mentally normal.


Carolyn Zhao is a Chinese American writer, editor, and medical student residing in Chicago and NYC. Her first story was published in Clarkesworld, and her research has been published in Nature, Cancer Metastasis, and other medical journals. When she’s not writing, Carolyn is co-editing the digital speculative magazine WYRMHOLE and attempting to survive medical school. She lives with her beloved partner and equally beloved dog.


Carolyn grew up loving stories. Carolyn enjoys the rhythm of words. Carolyn once kicked off a two-hour, school-wide manhunt when she was nine because she found a cozy corner in the library during recess, sat down to read a book, and forgot about that thing called “going to class.” Carolyn thought she’d have to choose between medicine and writing. Six months before med school, Carolyn wrote one (1) fanfic and tripped headfirst into professional speculative fiction.

Ever since her first publication, Carolyn’s nine-year-old self has been crying tears of joy.